BioTE® Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)
Turn back the clock internally, with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy at Bare Medical Spa + Laser Center! Our BioTE® BHRT treatments help you feel your best, naturally, thanks to our medical expertise and years of experience in helping our patients reinvigorate themselves!

What is Hormone Replacement Therapy with BioTE®?

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) helps men and women aged 30 and up balance their hormones to address imbalances caused by aging, metabolic diseases, and other factors. Using BioTE®️ pellets, we can help our clients manage their testosterone, progesterone, and estrogen levels for optimum health outcomes. From improved bone density and muscle mass to improved libido, BHRT with BioTE® pellets provides your body with the hormones it needs to perform its natural processes at its best.
Benefits of BioTE® Hormone Replacement Therapy

Improves sleep by balancing disruptive hormones
Enhances mental clarity
Restores libido/sex drive to normal levels
Regulates the body to maintain normal energy levels
Helps regulate mood
Easily inserted and long-lasting
Improves metabolism
Enhances feelings of satiety
Increases fat loss, bone density, and muscle gain

Is BHRT Right for Me?

Most patients in their 30s to 60s and beyond commonly qualify for BHRT! Because the hormones are derived from natural sources and are equivalent to those produced by your own body, BHRT is a safe option for the majority of candidates, regardless of their gender. Our team will learn more about you, your health, your goals, and what you’re looking to get out of BHRT in consultation, where we’ll determine if you’re a candidate.
Why Choose Bare for Your BHRT Treatment

When it comes to your health, you should only seek the finest care possible, and you’ll find it overlooking Lake Champlain in the heart of Burlington: Bare Medical Spa + Laser Center! Our team is passionate and caring and loves using world-class treatments to help our patients thrive. When it comes to BHRT, we’re skilled at getting you the results you want thanks to our inherent understanding of different diagnostics and your physiology. Find out how you can flourish with BHRT at Bare when you schedule a consultation!